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Brigadier Commands

Commander introduces a handful of / commands. All commands require perm level 2.


This command allows you evaluate expressions right in the chat. Context: minecraft:level, minecraft:origin and optional minecraft:this_entity. This command requires a string expression and an optional cast.

cmd:arithmetica ->
    \- expression
        \- cast (default: none)

Example: cmd:arithmetica "sin(level.getDayTime)" bool


This simple command allows you to spawn explosions. The command tree is as follows:

cmd:explode ->
    \- entity (who caused the explosion)
        \- position
            \- [power] (default: 4)
                \- [fire] (default: false)
    \- position
        \- [power] (default: 4)
            \- [fire] (default: false)

Example: cmd:explode @s ~ ~ ~ 6.4 true


This command allows you to read and write special, persistent data which can later be referenced in expressions. Provided data must be either a number or a string. The command tree is as follows:

    \- read
        \- level
            \- key
        \- chunk
            \- position
                \- key
        \- entity
            \- entity
                \- key
        \- block_entity
            \- position
                \- key
    \- write
        \- level
            \- key
                \- data
        \- chunk
            \- position
                \- key
                    \- data
        \- entity
            \- entity
                \- key
                    \- data
        \- block_entity
            \- position
                \- key
                    \- data
    \- remove
        \- level
            \- key
        \- chunk
            \- position
                \- key
        \- entity
            \- entity
                \- key
        \- block_entity
            \- position
                \- key

Example: cmd:data write entity @s "my_test_data" "Hello ", cmd:data read entity @s "my_test_data", cmd:data remove entity @s "my_test_data"

Example reference: + 'World!'