In general, you should prefer to implement Brigadier /
commands, but there are some cases where some additional flexibility is required.
Creating commands
Creating new commands is easy, you'll have to implement the Command
interface, create a MapCodec to serialize/deserialize the command and register the codec with CommandTypes.register()
Let's create a simple command which will print a string to standard output.
public record DummyCommand(String text) implements Command {
public boolean execute(EventContext context) {
return true; //Return if execution was successful.
public CommandType type() {
return null;
Now create a Codec for your command.
public static final MapCodec<DummyCommand> CODEC = Codec.STRING.fieldOf("text").xmap(DummyCommand::new, DummyCommand::text);
With that done, we'll have to register the command to get our CommandType
public static final CommandType DUMMY = CommandType.register(new Identifier("modid", "print"), DummyCommand.CODEC);
Now return this type in type()
public CommandType type() {
return MyModInit.DUMMY;
EventContext allows you to retrieve the LootContext
which is passed with the event type.
context.lootContext().getWorld(); //Returns a ServerWorld.
context.lootContext().get(LootContextParameters.TOOL); //Returns the prameter or null if not present.
context.lootContext().requireParameter(LootContextParameters.TOOL); //Returns the parameter or throws an exception if not present.