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Events in Commander are points during gameplay when your commands will be invoked.

Introduction to subscriptions

An event declaration in your subscription file is an identifier of the event you want to subscribe to. An event can accept additional parameters in the parameters block, but built-in events do not require them (yet). Subscription files are read from commander/events.

|- recipes
|- commander
  |- events
    |- test_event.json
    |- folder
      |- nested.json
|- tags

A typical event declaration might look something like this:

  "event": "commander:after_killed_by_other",
  "commands": [


  "event": "modid:custom_event",
  "parameters": {
  "commands": [

The subscription file can contain multiple subscriptions to different (or identical) events.

  "events": [
      "event": "commander:after_killed_by_other"
      "event": "commander:allow_damage"
      "event": "commander:player_attack/block"

Built-in events

Commander wraps most compatible fabric events under the commander namespace. "Return" here means the cancel command

Currently available events can be seen here: EntityEvents, PlayerEvents, ServerLifecycle, ServerTick